A user provides his/her information, such as name, email, contact, and password to creeate an account. They may also set preferences and agree to terms and conditions. Once the registration form is submitted, the system creates a unique account for the user, granting them access to the system.
Unique Features
You are required to use a unique / different email and contact.
You typically enter your contact or email and password on the login page. The system verifies the provided information to authenticate the user's identity. Upon successful authentication, you will be granted access to the system.
The same contact or email and password should be used as ones during registration.
The "forgot password" process allows you to reset your forgotten or lost passwords and regain access to your accounts.
Request Password Reset: You navigate to the login page and click on the "reset" or similar link provided. This action initiates the password reset process.
Email Verification: The system sends a password reset digit code to the registered contact. The contact contains a unique link or temporary verification code that you need to enter to proceed with the password reset process.
Update Password: You enter your desired new password and confirm password in the password reset form and submit it.
Confirmation and Login: Once the password reset process is complete, the system typically displays a confirmation message and redirects you to the login page. You can then use their new password to log in to their account.
Request Password Reset
you need to have an existing individual contact to recieve your verification code.
Administrators have privileged access to perform various tasks such as creating new user accounts, modifying user permissions or roles, and deactivating or deleting user accounts. User administration also includes managing user profiles, updating user information, and monitoring user activity.
Administrators ensure that user accounts are properly configured, aligned with security policies, and adhere to access control guidelines.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.
Allina D’croze
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the industry.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.
Allina D’croze
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the industry.
This page contains a list of members that belong to your church and you can search through the list by typing in a name or ID of the person you want. You can filter the records by using the options given that is category, member_type, ministry, Marriage status, Gender and Status to view a list of members that belong to the option chosen.
New Member
This button helps you open up a form for registering a new member of the church. Fill in the required details in the form and then click submit to add the user successfully to the list.
Click on the Export report button to attain a copy of the list that doenloads after clicking the download icon
Here you can view the status of attendance of the members in the church. It first displays attendance status of the last held service. You can search through the list by typing in the search box above the list.
Attendance Filter
The filter button helps you to attain the specific information as specified in the filter box. You should first fill in the details of the information you want to view then click filter, the required information is availed in the table as specified.
The page shows a list of different church members, contact, giving type and amount offered by the member. You can click on the edit icon in the last colomn of the offertory table to change or update the offertory details and the print icon to obtain a hard copy of the selected offertory option.
Adding a new offertory record
Click on the Offertory button in the top right corner and fill in the required details. Click on submit to save the added record or press close to stop the process.
The offertory type is added or specified before being added in the offertory table.
Click on the Management tab in the navigation bar which opens up a profile settings window.
Click on Giving Type which displays a Giving Type management window, and with this, a list of the offertory types is displayed.
You can change the giving type details by clicking on the edit icon.
Adding a new offertory Type
Click on the New Giving button in the top right corner and fill in the required details. Click on submit to save the added record or press close to stop the process.
The page shows a calender that also displays the different dates when particular church events are to be held.
You can view different events in different time periods that is month, week or day as required. The day that contains an event is displayed with a cream color different from the rest
An event should be added to the system before it displays on the calender.
Click on Management that displays the profile settings.
Then click on Events which displays a list of all events, both upcoming and ended, of the church
Clicking on the edit icon helps you make changes or updates to an existing event in the list
Adding a New event
Click on New Event button and then fill in the Event name and the Start and End dates of the event then click Submiit to save the added record. You can click close to cancel the process of adding a new event.
The page shows a calender that also displays the different dates when particular church events are to be held.
You can view different events in different time periods that is month, week or day as required. The day that contains an event is displayed with a cream color different from the rest
The page shows the different statistical graphs and charts of the data provided to the system by the church.
You can choose to view different graphs by clicking on the View stats by dropdown and select your specification (that is; Daily, Weekly Monthly, Annual )
The page is concerned with the overall management of the system. It helps the add, edit and delete different data from the system. It has different features to help ot with the system that is;
Profile for viewing your personal details
Church for viewing the church details
Service for managing the services in the church
Ministries for managing church ministries
Service for managing the services in the church
Ministries for managing church ministries
Signature for managing your signature
Account for managing your user details
Click on Profile on the Management page and this opens up a Profile Settings window.
Profile Settings
This contains the personal details of the user that is; Name, Role, Contact and Email of the user.
You can edit your details by clicking on the Edit Profile button, Fill in the required details and then click update to save these changes.
Click on Service in the Management tab.
You can choose to view different graphs by clicking on the View stats by dropdown and select your specification (that is; Daily, Weekly Monthly, Annual )